Growing Family

A Growing Family!

Here to Help.

Kent Rodahaver

Kent Rodahaver


Let’s Discuss Your Options.

Step 1 of 2

Congratulations! A growing family is a beautiful change to look forward to. And upgrading your living space is a common reaction to a family about to outgrow their current space.

The New House for Your Growing Family May Not Cost More

Not all neighborhoods, communities, or cities are the same. For example, owning a home in the right area in the heart of a city often demands a greater price than a home sitting in the suburbs. Are there tradeoffs? Sure. But don’t automatically assume a higher monthly mortgage payment simply because you need a spacious family room.

But It Probably Will Cost More

Moving into a larger space often means having to fill that space. More space for your growing family means more furniture and décor. More space may also mean more house and landscape maintenance, higher utility bills, and sometimes, higher transportation costs if moving a bit further from your place of employment.

Consider Your Timing

Most folks do not want two mortgages, especially with a growing family – and in highly competitive markets, contingency sales are not ideal for winning your dream home. Speaking with me on how best to time your present home sale while shopping for your new home is the best place to start. I will consider up-to-date real estate data that I have exclusive access to, local trends, and using my professional experience, formulate a plan that best mitigates timing concerns.

Sell Before Your Buy

Ideally, you’ll want to sell your home before buying your next home. Selling your current home before purchasing your new home represents many moving parts, and you’ll want me in the middle of it all to help coordinate the process. Resist the urge to celebrate your house as being sold simply because you have an offer – your home is not sold until it closes.

Consider Her Timing

Getting in and out of the car, looking at homes, going up and down the stairs, packing – let’s be honest, doing much of anything while you’re near your due date isn’t a good time. Once the new baby arrives, time and energy will become an even more precious commodity. But, just because you’re not prepared to buy your next home until your present one sells doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look with me. Time looking at homes, hearing your likes and dislikes, sheds light on your personality and other intangibles often not expressed during the initial discussions regarding your needs/wants in your next home. As time progresses, you’ll find that I can show you properties that hit all your points. And I’ll keep an eye out for your perfect home and be ready when your current home closes.